Effective Indoor Advertising
Indoor advertising is a powerful marketing tool that allows you to effectively convey your message to your target audience.
Principle of operation
Мы предлагаем внутреннюю рекламу на профессиональных мониторах, размещенных в торговых сетях, которые находятся в оживленных районах города. Профессиональные мониторы привлекают внимание целевого покупателя и вызывают у него интерес к рекламируемой продукции, скрашивая время ожидания в очереди.
Advertising activity
More attention grabbing
6.9 million
People reach per month
More contact compared to other sites
We offer indoor advertising on professional monitors placed in retail chains located in busy areas of the city. Professional monitors attract the attention of the target buyer and arouse his interest in the advertised products, brightening up the time of waiting in line.
Interactivity and Engagement: Vivid and interesting videos attract attention and make the wait less tedious.
High visibility and frequency: Your videos are seen by a large number of people multiple times, increasing the probability of being remembered and acted upon.
Flexibility and efficiency: The ability to quickly update content and adapt it to changing market conditions.
Audience targeting: Ads are placed in places where shoppers are already in the mood to make purchases.
Attract attention and increase sales with our video monitors!
Commercial offer
From 90,000₸
price of placement on the display in a 6-minute block
We offer you advertising that will meet your expectations!
Collaboration in just 4 easy steps
Monitoring and reporting
We agree on the terms of application and placement. We select the best placement option for your request.
We conclude an agreement in which we fix all the terms of our cooperation. We sign the necessary documents and determine all the details of cooperation.
We post your video immediately within the specified time frame. We remotely monitor the stability of the video stream. We provide photo and video reports.
We regularly collect and analyze impression data to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. We offer recommendations for improving and adjusting your strategy to achieve the best results.
Join MAGNETIC Media and enjoy the results!

Our specialists are always ready to help you at every stage of cooperation, ensuring maximum efficiency and convenience. We strive to ensure that your advertising works for you and brings tangible results. Start cooperation with us today and see for yourself!
product founders
Seisengalieva Madina
Ponomarev Alexander
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. June 24, 27, office 405